Consumer Reviews 7 Alpha Porcellana Diamond Blade
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Material | Other |
Brand | Alpha |
Item Weight | 0.7 Pounds |
Compatible Material | Porcelain, Marble |
Number Of Pieces | 1 |
- Continuous Rim ensures smooth cuts for porcelain
- Also cuts ceramic, marble, granite and other materials
- Wet use recommended
Product Description
7" with 7/8" Arbor. Alpha Porcellana is our premium wet cutting blade designed for use by tile professionals. The diamond grits and matrix are specially formulated to cut dense porcelain tile and slab with minimal chipping at optimal speed. The Alpha Porcellana produces high quality cuts that will minimize waste and improve your bottom line. The 5" Porcellana blade fits Alpha's AWS-110 and AWS-125 Wet Stone Cutters. This allows tile contractors to perform wet cutting of porcelain tile on the job site, without the need for a bulky tub or tile saw. Besides porcelain, Alpha Porcellana cuts well on most common materials such as marble and granite tile. Alpha Porcellana is clearly the best choice for tile contractors. Picture shown is not the actual size of the blade.
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