Prоmо 40% оƒƒ Oriental Furniture 23" Basket Weave Cream Porcelain Jar Lamp

Prоmо 40% оƒƒ Oriental Furniture 23" Basket Weave Cream Porcelain Jar Lamp

Consumer Reviews Oriental Furniture 23 Basket Weave Cream Porcelain Jar Lamp

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🔥 Oriental Furniture 23 Basket Weave Cream Porcelain Jar Lamp

only with $51.21

Color Cream
Style Casual
Material Wood
Brand ORIENTAL Furniture
Shade Material Ceramic

  • Porcelain lamp with three dimensional weave
  • Includes stylish contemporary lampshade
  • Uses a 60 Watt medium bulb (not included)

Product Description

An elegant addition to any home, this porcelain lamp sports a fashionable modern design. The textured ceramic is sculpted in a three dimensional basket weave and finished with a creamy beige glaze. The shape and color of the pale grey shade handsomely complements the base. This chic lamp is a sophisticated choice to complement your home decor.

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Uр Tо 40% оƒƒ Oriental Furniture 23 Basket Weave Cream Porcelain Jar Lamp

Bеѕt Sеllеr Oriental Furniture 23 Basket Weave Cream Porcelain Jar Lamp

Frее Shірріng 🛒 Oriental Furniture 23 Basket Weave Cream Porcelain Jar Lamp

70% оƒƒ Dіѕсоunt Oriental Furniture 23 Basket Weave Cream Porcelain Jar Lamp

Bеѕt Sеllеr Oriental Furniture 23 Basket Weave Cream Porcelain Jar Lamp


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price review Oriental Furniture 23 Basket Weave Cream Porcelain Jar Lamp

product reviews Oriental Furniture 23 Basket Weave Cream Porcelain Jar Lamp

Consumer Reviews Oriental Furniture 23 Basket Weave Cream Porcelain Jar Lamp

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