AmazonBasics AB-BV100 Air Ventilation Fan, 110 CFM / 1.0 Sone, White

AmazonBasics AB-BV100 Air Ventilation Fan, 110 CFM / 1.0 Sone, White

Crаzу Dеаlѕ AmazonBasics AB-BV100 Air Ventilation Fan, 110 CFM / 1.0 Sone, White A quick website review

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Onе-Dау Sаlе: Uр tо 80% оƒƒ AmazonBasics AB-BV100 Air Ventilation Fan, 110 CFM / 1.0 Sone, White

only with $ 118.99

Electric fan design Exhaust Fan
Power Source Corded Electric
Special Feature Premium
Room Type Bathroom
Included Components Fan Housing, Grille, 8 Wood Screws (M4x30mm), 3 Machine Screw (M4x12mm), 3 Suspension Brackets, Quick Connect Wire Connector
Brand AmazonBasics
Mounting Type Ceiling
Style Premium
Color White

  • 4 inch bathroom ventilation exhaust fan for spaces 100 square feet or less
  • Ultra-quiet operation; 1.0 sone volume (equivalent to soft refrigerator hum)
  • Dissipates humidity, mirror fog, and odors
  • Energy-efficient design; Energy Star certified; 110CFM delivers high-volume air flow
  • Galvanized plate housing, pure copper motor, polypropylene plastic wind wheel, and ABS plastic grill
  • Includes all necessary hardware, components, and instructions; ceiling hole size 10.8 x 10.5 inches
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Frее Shірріng оƒƒеr AmazonBasics AB-BV100 Air Ventilation Fan, 110 CFM / 1.0 Sone, White

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